What’s Happening in The Queen City, Entertainment And News
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education voted Tuesday to approve a virtual instruction plan that would include students in kindergarten, first grade and second grade with certain medical needs.
For the first time, Charlotte is using Housing Trust Fund dollars to invest in affordable homes for sale in addition to rentals. The Charlotte City Council approved a $23 million investment in nearly 900 units
, Eminem is starting a new business venture and it ties back to lyrics in one of his most famous songs. The 8 Mile star is opening up a restaurant in his hometown of Detroit called Mom’s Spaghetti.
Will Smith reveled why he Passed on the movie ‘Django’ ‘Cause He Wanted to Stay Away from Slave Roles
LeBron James Is Vaccinated But He is Also Hesitant To Advocate For It: He said “That’s Not My Job”
After 11 Seasons, Cynthia Bailey Announced on Instagram that She’s Quitting ‘The Real Housewives Of Atlanta’
And congratulations to Dave Chappelle he si Opening a Comedy Club,and Restaurant in his hometown of Yellow Springs, Ohio.