Janine Davis

Burning The Candle At Both Ends – Inspirational Moment

My cousin called me the other day and we both have a habit of trying to fit everything in a very limited amount of time. So I answered the phone by saying “I know you don’t have much time to talk, and neither do I, so let’s keep it short.” We laughed knowing we were both burning the candle at both ends right now. Just thinking about everything I’ve been tasked with over the last few months, has me practically pulling my hair out. But then I read my devotion, which reminded me of this. It’s okay to rest. In fact, it’s necessary according to God. [audio mp3="https://v1019.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/51/2024/06/JD-Inspiration-6.3.24_1717436567_.mp3"][/audio]

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