Sonya Massey Did One Thing Wrong
The murder of Sonya Massey has shaken the world. She was shot and killed by a police officer standing in her kitchen. Sonya Massey did not deserve to be shot in the head standing in her kitchen. Sonya Massey did one thing wrong.
The one thing Sonya Massey did wrong was call the police, believing that would help her. We have seen this play out way too many times where someone (a black person) calls the police and then the police end up killing them. Sonya even said when the police arrived that she believed they would harm her. The police said why would we do that and proceeded to do just that.
People do not want to play or hear about the race card. My question is if it is not race as the major factor then what is it? Are black people that threatening? Are police that afraid of black people? Was this officer just a bad apple?
If he was a bad apple then the whole bag is spoiled. It is bad apples in every city in America. I think it is time for some new ones to throw all of them away.
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