Wendy Williams Returns To The Wendy Show And Addresses Rumors About Her Husband
Today, talk show host Wendy Williams returned to the Wendy Show after a brief hiatus.
The host shared a promotional photo to her Instagram account, and wrote, “Wendy’s back! Tune-in to our IG Story as we get ready to go LIVE!”
During her first show back, Williams decided to address the rumors about her leaving her husband.
“When you’ve been with somebody for 28 years. Married for 25 years. Then we date…When we got married we waited like 4 years before doing the baby project and stuff, so we know each other. He’s my best friend, he’s my lover, he’s all this and he’s all that. I know what you’ve been seeing, and I know what the streets have been talking about, but hunty let me show you who I fell in love with and who he fell in love with. Hit it, ” Williams said as she prompted the producers to cue an old photograph of the talk show host and her husband.
“I love that picture because I’m a creature of habit. That was me with leggings and you know I still love leggings…Through the magic of science, good eating, and working out that’s not me anymore, but it’s still me in the head and I’m still very much in love with my husband. And anybody who’s been married for 5 minutes or 500 years you know marriages have ebbs and flows. Marriages are not easy. Don’t ask me about mine, until you see this (Williams points to her wedding ring) off.”
During Williams’ hiatus from her show and prior to it, several rumors swirled regarding her husband’s infidelity. In December 2018, Ebony magazine reported that the former radio host was divorcing her husband over an “illegitimate” child.
This January, Hot New Hip Hop and the Liberty Voice both reported about her husband’s cheating scandal.
Glennisha Morgan is a Detroit-bred multimedia journalist and writer. She writes about intersectionality, hip-hop, pop culture, queer issues, race, feminism, and her truth. Follow her on Twitter @GlennishaMorgan