Ask any woman, what is her favorite accessory? I’m pretty sure the majority would agree the ‘perfect handbag’ is a must. In fact, the Wall Street Journal reported (2013), that the average woman in the US owned 11 handbags. And on average, bought more than two new bags every year. But, things have changed.
With the sloping economy and younger consumers having less disposable income, that number is considerably lower. Online fashion sites like GemOutlook say the average woman today owns anywhere from six to eight bags. And having the ‘right’ handbag is key. There is a strategy behind having a certain bag of type, too.
Strategy For Choosing A Handbag
Personally speaking, choosing the ‘right’ bag can be a chore. Careful consideration usually goes into a woman choosing her handbag. The average woman makes her pick depending on a variety of reasons:
- She wants to show off their handbag. Having a brand name that others will recognize is important. These bags usually attract attention, made from expensive materials and are likely a bit more pricey than other bags
- She wants to make a statement and stand out. A nice brand named handbag makes others notice you.
- A nice handbag tells more about her social status. It demonstrates her social and financial freedom
Based on my personal experience, a really nice handbag tells a story. And these black-owned handbag brands have quite a story to tell. From classic, to trendy to bold, they offer a perfect example of fashion and style in the world of handbags.