North Carolina Is One Of The Best Places To Survive A Nuclear War
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First and foremost I’m not sure I’d want to be a lone survivor of a nuclear attack or zombie apocalypse or anything of the sort. But if that’s something you aspire to then I’ve got good news for you. Metro reports that North Carolina is one of the best places to survive a nuclear war.
This comes to them from a group of real estate agents who say that the best places for nuclear war survival are those that are “remote and rural”. It’s also important to have a warm climate, access to fresh water, and farmland. That makes sense. Remote and rural means you probably wouldn’t be in the main target area offering a better chance at survival. And after the destruction has taken place you’ll need resources like food and water to survive. They say North Carolina is a great place to survive a nuclear war due to “great weather and farmland”. Other good places include Texas, Mississippi, and Nebraska.
Places they suggest not living if you’re worried about such things include any densely populated areas. So essentially the places most people elect to live. As someone, who just isn’t cut out for small-town or rural life I think I’ll take the risk continue to reside in the city. I’d rather be surrounded by things and people that bring me joy with the off chance of nuclear war. To me hiding out would be wasting the time on Earth we do have- none of which is guaranteed. And a nuclear war isn’t the risk I’m most worried about.
But if you are, and you live in North Carolina, perhaps move a little more out of the city and you’ll have the best chance to survive a nuclear war. Good luck! Read more from Metro via MSN News here.
Data Shows North Carolina Has The Most Dangerous Rural Roads In America
Driving these days can be a terrifying experience. Especially in Charlotte, it seems the drivers get worse and more aggressive by the day and traffic laws are a mere suggestion. But it’s actually the rural roads that are of concern in North Carolina. New research by Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Anidjar & Levine looked at 10 years’ worth of data including the number of annual miles driven on rural roads and the number of rural road accidents for each state. They used this data to determine which states had the highest occurrence of rural crashes. And it’s North Carolina that has the most dangerous rural roads in America.
That’s right North Carolina ranked first on this list. And that’s not something to celebrate. The state has 70.45 accidents for every billion miles driven. Another interesting statistic is that 44.3% of these crashes occur on roads with a 55 mph speed limit. That’s 64.7% higher than the national average which is 26.9%. In some ways, this makes sense as there are a lot of rural roads in North Carolina. But when you consider the sheer size of other states it is a little crazy that we topped the list.
To create this list the researchers at Anidjar & Levine gathered data from 2012-2021 from agencies including NCDOT, FARS, the U.S. Census Bureau, and FHWA. The rural road accident rate was calculated by dividing the annual miles driven on rural roads by the number of vehicles involved in rural road accidents for each state. Keep reading below to see the top five states with the most dangerous roads in America. North Carolina isn’t the only Carolina in the top 5 either. Stay safe out there North Carolina. Thanks to our friends at Journo Research for sharing this research with us.
Top 5 Most Dangerous Rural Roads In America
Melanie Day is a graduate of North Carolina State University. She has worked for Beasley since 2012 in a variety of behind-the-scenes roles in both digital and promotions. Melanie writes about a diverse range of topics some of her favorites include travel, restaurants, Taylor Swift, and college athletics. When not at work you'll find her at a country concert or NC State sporting event.