This Is The Richest Person In South Carolina And How Those Billions Were Made
When I think of billionaires, Taylor Swift pops to mind. Seems like that kind of money is made by famous entertainers or maybe tech inventors. But not so. This is the richest person in South Carolina. And just exactly how were those billions made. Well, here is who and how.
This Is The Richest Person In South Carolina
According to, Forbes has released their annual list of the richest Americans. And there are a lot of them. You will find a billionaire in 47 of our 50 states. Combined, these 54 people have a collective bank account of 1.6 trillion dollars. That’s trillion with a t. That is a big jump from last year’s total. Forbes says that is a $100 billion increase over last year.
Forbes adds this about the rich folks according to our source,,“Six other states also saw their wealthiest person change over the past year, as some of the richest Americans decided to move their primary residence,”, For example Jeff Bezos stated that he would be moving back to Florida back in November so that he could be closer to his parents. That means Bill Gates can now claim richest person status in Washington.
He Lives In Charleston, South Carolina
But what about the Palmetto State? Here is the richest person in South Carolina. That would be a 60 year old man named Robert Faith. Faith lives in Charleston with his reported $5.8 billion dollars. He reportedly made 5.2 billion last year. So, how did he make all that money?
Here’s How He Made ALL That Money
Faith reportedly started out as a real estate developer. He studied petroleum energy at the University of Oklahoma and got his Masters in business administration from Harvard. So, it sounds like Robert is a smart ambitious guy that has worked hard to get where he is in life and has made some good business decisions.

Forbes says a fella named James Goodnight is the richest person in North Carolina. He reportedly is “worth” 10.1 billion. To learn more about the richest people in each state, get all the details from our source right here.