Living With Someone With Narcissistic Behavior?
People with narcissistic behavior disregard the needs of others and tend to exploit relationships for their gain. It’s confusing trying to identify a narcissist at first glance because it takes a minute to notice their occasional, mild, or intense levels of abusive behavior. Meeting a person with narcissism may include love booming you, but it changes instantly or gradually. If your new partner tends to intimidate you, or bullies or belittles you, run away. A good simple example is that if you’re overweight, they will belittle you, but sit across from you eating a big fat steak with loaded baked potato. They might validate their deleterious comments and say they love you. Narcissistic people love themselves and only themselves. You can accept their apologies for rude behavior, but note that there might be an agenda you might not see.
When in love or living with someone with narcissistic personality disorder, they are going to be resistant to changing their behavior. Even if they see your health going downhill or stressed out, they’ll blame you. Be careful criticizing them because of personal attacks and it might be verbal or physical. At the end of the day, it’s extreme and constant power plays to break you down.