Homeless Populations Are Growing
Every year cities across the map will go out and count the homeless population. No one wants to be homeless, but if you lost your home, where would you go? Mecklenburg County says they have services and shelters for the homeless, but will they be open when you arrive? The Homeless Resource Center is located at 618 N. College Street in Charlotte, North Carolina. They provide a safe, welcoming place for those in need to get a meal. Some may want to get out of the bad weather and or socialize. I bet it is very lonely being homeless, especially with children. The Homeless Resource Center has case coordinators on-site to facilitate connections to other resources.
Sometimes children end up homeless because of domestic violence that feels responsible for the abuse. They also deal with tons of anxiety or fear when being placed in new surroundings. Children just like adults experience sadness, depression, and post-traumatic stress symptoms, and their higher education suffers as well. If your child needs support, The Homeless Resource Center has resources with therapists to help. The HERO Program (Help, Encouragement, and Recognition of Observers of Domestic Violence) provides therapy, support, and education to children 2 – 18 years old. The next time you see a homeless person with a sign, be nice, smile, and help them if you can.