How To Spend The Holidays Alone
DesiVentures is wishing us MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS! She will be spending Christmas alone, but don’t we all need some much needed time to self reflect and have some great self care time, and her intent is for all of us to raise our life vibration because it’s much needed right now, especially during this holiday season if you are alone. I must admit, the tips and tricks to help clear out our mental and physical but still care for yourselves and feel relaxed is vital! If you’re wondering how to keep busy when you’re alone, don’t worry! Clearing the mind, or ways to meditate, or what books you should be reading to improve your health and wellness and overall mind, body and spirit is all in this video.
If you’re so inclined click this video because Desi has a ton of books and ideas you can do today! She mentions a few Self-Help books in the video and listed them incase you want to listen to them as audiobooks today, or read on your kindle. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to DesiVentures on YouTube and follow her on Instagram or TikTok @desiventures
Book List:
Spark Joy
Ask and It is Given
Rich Habits Rich Life
Adrenal Thyroid Revolution
What A Time to Be Alone