Last weekend at Ocracoke visitors got to witness are startling but completely normal phenomenon. The so-called bluefish blitz was responsible for hundreds of fish flopping around the North Carolina shores. The fish literally throw themselves onto the beach and in the water, it looks as though they are being churned around in a washing machine. Ultimately it led to hundreds perhaps thousands of dead fish on the beach.

Bluefish have a large number of teeth and will notoriously eat anything and everything in their path. This includes their own kind and other fish species. The smaller fish essentially blitz the shore to avoid being eaten. Unfortunately, this doesn’t save them as most will die ashore.

Website says that the species possesses a single row of teeth in each jaw that are uniform in size, knife-edged, and sharp. They go on to say that the bluefish are extremely aggressive.  And what is known as the Bluefish Blitz occurs when they chase bait through the surf zone, and literally onto dry beach. Thousands of big bluefish will attack schools of fish in inches of water. This causes the churning of the water like a washing machine. In turn, the fish will willingly run themselves high and dry on the sand, where they will suffocate, rather than be shredded by the marauding bluefish schools. And this Bluefish Blitz is what occurred at Ocracoke North Carolina over the weekend.

  • The Photos Show The Sheer Number Of Fish

    Bluefish have been blitzing the Ocracoke beach off and on the past couple of weeks. Amazingly beautiful and tragic at the same time. Smaller fish (mostly spot in these photos) are literally throwing themselves onshore to escape the teeth in the water. Heather Johnson captured the cycle in her amazing photography. Thanks so much for allowing me to share.

  • Is It Really Better Than Being Dinner?

    It’s called a “Bluefish Blitz”…. and usually happens IN the water not on shore. This is one of the strangest things I’ve seen at the beach! A guy fishing said the Blue were running the Spot ashore (as a better option to becoming “dinner” I guess)!
  • See The Phenomenon In Action

  • While Shocking This Is Normal Behavior For The Fish

    🐟💥BLUEFISH BLITZ: Thousands of fish washed ashore Ocracoke, NC Friday…

    I phoned a friend, @UNCims fisheries ecologist @drjanetnye tells me this blitz is normal for this gluttonous fish! @NOAAFisheries
    says the ocean churn looks like “washing machine”! @Queen_City_News

  • Fish As Far As The Eye Can See

    Fish on shore and gulls in the air as far as the eye could see. Awesome!

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