North Carolina FedEx Driver Featured In National Advertising Campaign
Delivery company FedEx recently launched a new national advertising campaign highlighting employees’ stories. The campaign which is titled “Tall Tales of True Deliveries,” recognizes the positive lengths FedEx employees have gone to complete deliveries for customers. One North Carolina driver is featured in the FedEx campaign.
Joe Engel is a native of Surf City, NC (a beach town on Topsail Island). And that beach location is big a reason he had to opportunity to save the day. Engel was able to deliver wedding rings to a couple in the nick of time for their beach wedding. When Engel went to deliver the rings the couple had left a note on the door. It explained that the package contained their wedding rings. And that they were currently at the beach for their wedding. That’s when Engle jumped into action, making his way to the beach where the wedding was already in progress.
He was able to make it just in time for the couple to exchange the rings. He was greeted by cheers from the guests and a relieved bride. You can see the commercial below narrated by Joe himself!
This is a perfect example of treating people the way you want to be treated. Joe could have easily just ignored the note, left the rings at the house, and gone about his day. But because of his kindness, the couple was able to have the wedding they planned for. I can only imagine the stress she was under, and the disappointment while she thought the rings may not arrive in time. What a great story to come out of North Carolina thanks to hero FedEx driver Joe Engel. Something tells me he made some new friends that day!
Learn more about the campaign here!
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Surprising North Carolina City Ranks As Best Place For Singles In The State
It’s a tough world to be single in (speaking from experience). But how does North Carolina rank for singles compared to other places in the US? Not that great in all honestly. Our friends at WalletHub conducted a study of the Best & Worst Cities For Singles. And the results were, well, interesting. The best city in North Carolina for singles? Well, it wasn’t Raleigh and it wasn’t Charlotte. (Good now I don’t feel so bad about myself!)
An interesting statistic that WalletHub shared with us is that nearly 47% of all U.S. adults are unmarried. It sure doesn’t feel that way! But only 42% of those single adults are interested in a relationship or casual dating right now. Now it’s making a little more sense.
To conduct this study WalletHub compared more than 180 U.S. cities across 35 key indicators of dating-friendliness. So what type of data tells us how a city fares for singles? For this study, WalletHub used data including “the share of the population that is single”, “the number of online dating opportunities”, and “the average price for a two-person meal”.
South Carolina actually came out better than North Carolina on this list, with the only two SC cities included topping every North Carolina one. And the North Carolina city that’s the best for singles? I never would have guessed. Keep reading to see the top 10 as well as where each Carolina city ranked. You can read the full WalletHub study here.
Melanie Day is a graduate of North Carolina State University. She has worked for Beasley since 2012 in a variety of behind-the-scenes roles in both digital and promotions. Melanie writes about a diverse range of topics some of her favorites include travel, restaurants, Taylor Swift, and college athletics. When not at work you'll find her at a country concert or NC State sporting event.