Two Sanitation Workers Are Heroes’
Yes, sanitation workers need some kudos for hauling your waste every single week, but today let’s talk about Dion Merrick and Brandon Antoine and celebrate them! The two men from Louisiana are not Hollywood Celebrities. Neither are these two professional athletes or Grammy award winning artists. Simply put Mr. Merrick and Mr. Antoine are just two sanitation workers who happened to be in the right place at the right time, and may have very well saved the life of a ten year old, Jalisa Lasalle.
The 10 year old girl who had been reported missing to the police, was the target of an Amber Alert. While working early Monday morning the two sanitation workers noticed a parked car that matched the amber alert. They then decided to park the truck on the wrong side of the road blocking the car’s movement until the police arrived. Once the police arrived it was confirmed that the 10 year old that was in the car was the same person posted on the amber alert. A 10 year old is home safe and sound right now because two sanitation workers used their garbage truck to save her life. Sometimes our greatest blessings are from the people we least expected because they’re so focused on their task. That’s why it always pays to treat everybody with respect, no matter who they are, where they work or what they look like.