What do you think determines you finding a romantic partner? Could it be your looks, personality or even employment status? It could be your location that is determining a good romantic match. Some states are better for singles than others.
According to a study done by WalletHub, where you live can have an influence on your love life. If you’re like me, there are some must-haves in my choosing a potential mate. But, everyone has different priorities when looking for love and based on the study, there are certain places that make dating easier than others. In other words, there are some states that are just better for singles.
For example, WalletHub looked at 30 key indicators of dating friendliness. In states with low cost of living, income might stretch a lot further. And that can mean cheaper or more frequent dates. If you’re a bit more financially stable, perhaps a state that has plenty of attractions. That way you and your date can explore more and have new experiences. And let’s not forget about the number of singles living in a state. The higher number of single adults, the better your chances of Dating is also a numbers game, so a state with a higher proportion of single adults automatically improves your prospects.
The key question is which states combine all of those qualities and more? To answer that question, WalletHub compared the 50 states across some of those key indicators mentioned above. Data ranges from the number of single adults to online-dating opportunities to restaurants per capita. To see how your zip code affects your chances of finding love. (see full WalletHub report)
Surprisingly, the Tar Heel State isn’t too far down on the list.