North Carolina’s Carowinds Named Among Best Theme Parks For Adrenaline Junkies
Do you want to go fast? Do you want to go real fast? Then if you are in the Carolinas, you are in the right place. North Carolina’s Carowinds named among best theme parks for adrenaline junkies. I can’t count the number of times I have been to this theme park but I can tell you it is definitely not just for the little ones. Unless of course your child is of the appropriate height and likes a thrill.
North Carolina’s Carowinds Named Among Best Theme Parks For Adrenaline Junkies
Theme Park Tourist says Carowinds is named in the top five theme parks for adrenaline junkies in all of North America. They based their findings on online reviews of theme parks all across the United States and Canada. Theme Park Tourist also looked at the latest news, park guides and in depth features on theme parks according to our source, Channel 9 in Charlotte.
Theme Park Tourist Says These Are Some Other Thrill Inducers
Oh, we should add here that this list is comprised of Non Disney Parks. Other best theme parks for adrenaline junkies include Canada’s Wonderland, Kings Island in Cincinnati, Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio and Six Flags Magic Mountain in California.

Theme Park Tourist says Carowinds Fury is a huge thrill attraction for lovers of theme parks. It is lauded as the tallest giga-coaster in the world. It stands 325 feet tall with an 81 degree drop and reaches speeds of 95mph. I can remember when the park first opened and I thought Thunder Road was the greatest roller coaster of all time. Now, that was back in the day. I do enjoy the smoothness of Fury 325 but once around satisfies the thrill seeking in me. My kids on the other hand could ride that ride all day.
You might just find me parked at the water park after a thrill ride or two. Or maybe one of the water rides. I know we are lucky in the Charlotte area to have Carowinds and proud of them for this honor. For more information get all the details from Theme Park tourist right here.