Using Urine As Pesticide In Compost?
If you use urine as a pesticide, good for you. Many farmers use goat and other animal urine as natural pesticides. Yes, urine can be composted. It’s very high in nitrogen, so it counts as a “green” in the compost, and shouldn’t be added to a compost bin that is already high in nitrogen-rich materials like food scraps. Be sure to add plenty of carbon-rich materials, like dry leaves, sawdust, straw, and cardboard. Human urine is said to be rich enough to fertilize parts of your vegetable garden. Urine is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus and has been used for generations to help plants grow.
Do you think urine is better than toxic pesticides as big-box uses? I’ve heard that starting your compost is the hard part. You’ll need things like dead leaves, branches, and twigs from the backyard. Grass clippings, vegetable waste, fruit scraps, and coffee grounds are other suggestions.