Sweet Tooth & Sugar Cravings
Why are we so addicted to sugar? Experts say that sugar cravings stem from a blood sugar imbalance. When we bite or drink some sugary substance it’s so satisfying but can our body handle all the side effects? All those years thinking our sweet tooth is caused by a lack of self-control, but it’s not! I’ve even read an article that these cravings come from high levels of yeast in our bodies. Sugar is introduced to us as kids and we take that love into adulthood. I grab candy bars in the afternoon for the short-term high when I need a pep in my step. When I heard that sugar is as addictive as cocaine, I was shocked. But when I was a kid Coca-Cola used to add cocaine to their sodas.
People often enjoy the dopamine release that sugar brings. They say that sugar fuels every cell in the brain instead of feeding it. I guess that’s why our brain sees sugar as a reward, which makes us crave it more and more. If you often eat a lot of sugar, you’re reinforcing that reward, which can make it tough to break the habit. Why is it that everything that makes us feel joy, is bad for us? The premise of this blog is to find sugar alternatives and other ways of rewarding yourself.