Funds Extended For Mecklenburg County Homeowners Who Need Property Tax Help
If you are a homeowner in Mecklenburg County struggling to pay your property tax, you now have more time to get assistance. The county is extending the deadline for its HOMES (Homeowners with Economic Support) program to November 19, 2021.
That’s because the county says they still have funds to help people. Here’s how it works. Grant recipients use funds to pay the Mecklenburg County Tax Collector. The tax collector will reduce the total amount of taxes due for the qualifying recipient’s primary residence.
New applicants and previous grant recipients are eligible to apply. Applicants can mail or email applications. It MUST be submitted and postmarked by Nov. 19, 2021.
Applicants can pick up paper applications at the Department of Community Resources or the County Assessor’s Office, both at 3205 Freedom Drive, or request by phone at (980) 314-HOME (4663). Mailed applications should go to the Department of Community Resources, 3205 Freedom Drive, Suite 1000, Charlotte, NC 28208.
CLICK HERE for eligibility requirements and to apply.