Can We Trust The Medical Community & CDC?
Thank goodness for honest nurses who see things and come forward. Even a handful of doctors will flex when they notice horrible things going on, and let’s not forget investigative reporters uncovering these atrocities. Legislation that funds certain experimental procedures on top of forced sterilization is appalling. Why would our federal government be interested in the off-spring of African Americans? Maybe population control? Exabit A: The Tuskegee Study of untreated syphilis was a purposeful abusive study. Yes, it happened between 1932 and 1972 by the United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on a group of 600 men enrolled in the study. Of this group 399, who had syphilis were a part of the experimental group and 201 were control subjects. Most of the men were poor and illiterate sharecroppers. Even after the invention of penicillin doctors withheld treating the men.
Why are most white men so afraid of black men and their families? I won’t answer that, but you can. Forced sterilization goes on today in the United States inside poor neighborhoods, jails and prisons. Another example is telling a woman she needs a “female specific” medical procedure and all along the doctor is removing her uterus without her consent. This article could last 4 hours, but do the homework yourself. Check out the newest program implemented by you know who pertaining to forced sterilization.