Lona Belle Lackey Turns 100 Years Old
Wow, to turn 100 years old these days is celebration time for everyone! Mrs. Lona Belle Lackey is one of those fortunate women that looks amazing and has that spark we all want at 100 years old. You’re invited to Mrs. Lona Belle Lackey’s, drive-thru birthday celebration of her grand centennial on Saturday October 2, 2021, although she turns 100 on September 29th. The family decided on a drive-by to keep her safe as possible given the pandemic and also to keep anyone in attendance as safe as possible as well.
The family is asking that participants decorate their vehicles and blow their horns as they drive by Alexander Senior Center in Taylorsville, NC because she is a lifelong resident of the county and it’s the perfect set-up for this event whether rain or shine due to the large covered entrance that will keep us from any rain that may fall during the event. Granddaughter, Tessa L. Caldwell says that Mrs. Lackey was the first female to ever drive a bus for the County’s then segregated school, Happy Plains. Live on Mrs. Lona Belle Lackey, we love your life!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 100 Years to Mrs. Lona