Every morning, God’s river of mercies flows fresh into us. There is no better quality of life than the one found in the faithfulness of the Father. No amount of Wheaties can top this! God’s faithfulness is the true breakfast of champions.
Isaiah 43:19 testifies “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Every morning, God’s river of mercies flows fresh into us.
Father, thank You for Your fresh mercies that You abundantly provide for us each and every morning. Put expectancy in our spirit to wake up to Your amazing and refreshing fruit. Help us to see our need for Your mercies, and to appreciate Your faithfulness in greater measure. In Jesus Name, we thank You that we are kept and built up by your mercies each dawn. Amen and Amen.