Teens Facing Murder In Carjacking Death of Uber Eats Driver (VIDEO)
Two girls – ages 13 and 15 – accused of carjacking an Uber Eats driver in Washington, DC are now facing murder charges. And police say the carjackings appear to be a trend among teens.
It was just a week ago (March 24) that the teen girls carjacked 66-year-old driver Mohammad Anwar. The teen allegedly drove off with him still clinging to the side of his Honda. He was flung from the vehicle onto a sidewalk and killed. DISCLAIMER: Parts of the video is disturbing.
A Pakistani-American Uber Eats driver was killed when two girls aged 13 and 15 tried to carjack his car in Washington DC pic.twitter.com/whYKcPlChh
— TRT World (@trtworld) March 27, 2021
A few days later, police in the DC area arrested two 13-year-old boys for two armed carjackings. Police say during the first jacking, one of the teens allegedly took out a handgun and demanded the victim get out of the car. He then fled in the car.
An hour later, the same teens allegedly did the same thing again in another part of town. Then police say they also arrested two different teen boys – ages 13 and 14 – for an armed carjacking. In that case, police say one of the teens assaulted a victim and had a knife. The teens were caught and arrested.
My question: where are the parents of all these teens?