Getting Students Computers & Internet Access
In the United States all students should have computers and internet access. Well, the Student Internet Equity Coalition is helping to make it happen in a timely manner. The Coalition is a national effort to advocate for The Student Internet Equity Program. This organization is bringing advocates, policy makers, business leaders and educators to work collectively towards critical mission.
The Student Internet Equity Program would provide high quality subsidized and discounted Internet and computer access for middle and high school students, under a shared cost formula spread between providers, families, and ultimately relying on the federal government to step in and help lead this endeavor. Long story short, our federal government would subsidize the program for families that qualify for free and reduced meals and low-income families meeting a few income guidelines. Student rates would be available to all other households where a middle or high school student resides.
Learn more about Donna Rattley Washington here. Donna is the founder of The Student Internet Equity Coalition