Naturally we desire our physical bodies to be attractive, toned & healthy. Our Spiritual health can sometimes go overlooked. Which is more important than our physical fitness. Ways to ensure that we become and remain spiritually fit is by spending time with God. This may consist of quiet prayer time, listening to your Bible app or a sermon on the way to work. It may be blasting your worship music while driving singing praises to God or simply sitting quiet before Him. These are practical ways to consistently invite God into our daily routines. God is constantly ready to pour into us. In order for us to receive Him we must create a welcoming environment. Invite Him in throughout Your day. Ask Him to help you to become spiritually fit. Trust that He will highlight ways that you can become more spiritually fit.
1 Timothy 4:8, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”