Christmas Memory Monday
During Christmas 1982, I remember vividly how much my son wanted to get the Atari 2600. Believe it or not it was the 1982 version of the new PS5. As Christmas day neared he asked “mom where are all the presents” when he noticed the Christmas Tree was up, but no gifts were under the tree. I said, “let’s just wait and see”. He was worried because the Christmas prior, was a bit skinny.
When Christmas Eve rolled around, still no gifts under the tree. so he went got real quite and kinda sad. But like every single mom, we come through somehow, someway Then on the morning of Christmas he woke up to at least 3 nice gifts, and all I could see was glee and smiles. Yes, he got what he wanted and more school clothes! LOL…moms are all about those school clothes. Have you ever had a Christmas where you felt sad or mad when you didn’t get what you wanted under the tree? It happens to the best of us and just knowing that you lived to see another holiday should make us grateful, but for some reason, we desire monetary gifts, big boxes and even new cars for Christmas. Check back in with me and tell me what you got this Christmas or maybe sharing how grateful you are to be alive!