Mecklenburg County Residents Invited To Give Input On County Budget
If you’ve always wanted to have a say on how Mecklenburg County spends your tax dollars, now is your chance. For the third year, the county has release the Resident Budget Priority Survey.
Residents can set budget priorities for services the county provides. Services like affordable housing, crime or education are on the survey. Residents give their input before the budget is finalized for Fiscal Year 2022. The Resident Budget Priority Survey is open November 16 thru December 23. The survey may be found on and can be accessed in 100 different languages. Click here to take the survey.
Paper copies are also available in English and Spanish at libraries across Mecklenburg County.
And a new feature for the survey includes texting capability. Residents are now able to text “budget” to 1-833-686-1234 to receive a link to the survey via their smartphones.
For residents who would like to create their own version of the budget by adjusting expenses and revenues, the County’s “Meck Budget Simulator” is also available.
Board of County Commissioners will share results of the survey and the Meck Budget Simulator during their annual retreat in January.