Do You Have To Tip A Robot Bartender?
Like it or not, the robot revolution is here. One by one, jobs are done by people are being reassigned to robots. Next on the list: bartending.
Imagine ordering cocktails without any human interaction and then having them poured by a machine. That’s the plan at MGM Resorts where bartenders will be replaced with automated cocktail dispensing machines starting this August.
According to, the company has already been quietly running tests at their East Coast properties with plans to expand to Las Vegas. This could save MGM Resorts millions in labor costs.
Some of the companies that make automated bartending systems include Easybar and Smartbar USA. The Smartender, shown in the video below, reminds me of the Coca-Cola Freestyle machines that have been in restaurants for years.
As a consumer, I can see some advantages to having an automated mixologist. For one thing, I can’t imagine that you’d have to tip the machine. You can probably also count on the consistency of cocktail quality. On the other hand, telling your problems to a robot bartender would be more depressing than the problem itself.